March 2020: Supta Gomukhasana


Supta Gomukhasana
(Supported Reclining Cow Face pose with Heart Opener)


You will need:

  • 2-3 blocks

  • 2 blankets

  • 1 bolster 


  1. Place a block towards the back of the mat at the tallest height. Place a second block one notch lower approximately 6” in front on the first block. Lay the bolster the long way over the blocks to create a ramp. Place a rolled blanket across the mat, about a third of the way from the top of the mat. Place the second blanket within reach at the top of the mat. 

  2. Come to sit as close as possible facing the bolster with knees bent and feet on either side on the bolster. 

  3. Lay back onto the rolled blanket. As you lay back onto the rolled blanket, position the blanket across your back so the underarm lines up just over the roll, creating a backbend.  

  4. Reach for the second blanket and slide it under the head adding a small roll to support the neck. Arms can be out in a “T” or in  Cactus. 

  5. Lengthen legs up the bolster and pause  

  6. Extend left leg high crossing it over the right leg at the thigh, bringing left foot to the mat.  (A block can be used to support the foot if it does not reach the mat). Stay for 3-5 minutes relaxing into the props beneath you. 

  7. To come out, send legs long on the bolster. Repeat step 6 for the right side. 


This restorative pose is a great way to counterbalance a vigorous hip opening yoga sequence or daily activities. This supported inversion with an internal rotation of the top femur (thighbone) stretches and gently releases the outer hip. The blanket under the thoracic spine (upper back) opens the front body while gently encouraging a back-bend. Relax, breathe, and melt into your inner sensations.

Michaela Flatley