February 2020: Anjaneyasana


(low lunge)


To enjoy the benefits of Anjaneyasana, please follow the instructions below:


  1. Begin in Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward-facing dog)

  2. Step the right foot forward so that the toes are in line with the fingertips or blocks, and the knee is at a right angle. 

  3. Place hands directly beneath the shoulders.

  4. Press down through the big toe mound of the back foot.  Press the left heel back as you draw your sternum forward. 

  5. Roll the outer right hip back towards the left heel to create symmetry along the side body.  At the same time firm the back left thigh and push it up toward the ceiling, holding the left knee straight. 

  6. Draw the heads of the upper arms back and broaden the collarbones. 

  7. Gaze slightly forward to keep the neck long.  

Repeat on the left side. 

Michaela Flatley