April 2020: Natarajasana


(Dancer’s Pose)



  1. Stand in tadasana (mountain pose). Shift your weight to your left foot and bend your right knee so your right hand reaches back for your right foot or strap. Keep your right kneecap next to your left and point at the ground. (Optional to use a strap around the bottom of the foot and hold strap)

  2. Kick the right foot into your right hand or strap, lift the foot up and back at the same time. Tip* The more actively you engage your right leg, the easier it will be to maintain your balance.

  3. Extend your left arm up and slightly forward reaching towards the front of the room. Press equally into all four corners of your standing foot, small bend in the standing knee to engage the quadricep muscle. 

  4. To release, slowly stand up so shoulders are over hips and let go of your right foot. Place it back on the floor and return to standing. Take several deep breaths before repeating on the other side.

Michaela Flatley