May 2020: Ardha Chandrasana


Ardha Chandrasana
(Half Moon)



  1. Begin in Warrior II with your right foot forward. Bending into your right knee and placing your right fingertips on the ground or on a block about 12 to 18 inches in front of your foot.

  2. Shift your weight into your right foot as you draw your left foot forward along the floor. Your right kneecap should be facing straight ahead, not inward.

  3. Lift your left foot off the floor, pressing through the heel so that your foot stays flexed. Lengthen from your tailbone to your lifted heel.

  4. Square your chest toward the side of your mat that you are facing.

  5. Keep your weight primarily in your right leg, using your bottom hand as little as possible, primarily as a guide for balance.

  6. Adjust your gaze slowly, either looking down, straight ahead, or up at the left hand. Work to stay in the pose for up to 60 seconds before lowering the left leg back to the floor and returning to Warrior II. Repeat on the other side.

Michaela Flatley