Paripurna Navasana (Boat Pose)


Paripurna Navasana (Boat Pose)

Paripurna Navasana is an empowering pose that requires dedication, practice, and a quiet mind. Just like a ship calmly making its way through a storm, Boat Pose will provide safety through balance and strength when the waves of life get rough!

  1. Sit with your knees bent, feet on the floor. Place your hands behind your knees, lift the chest, engaging the back muscles as you inhale

  2. Engage your inner thighs and draw your lower belly in and up

  3. Tip back on the back of your sitting bones and lift your feet up to about knee height, toes spread out

  4. Bring your arms parallel to the floor

  5. To go further, straighten your legs

  6. Stay for 2-5 breaths, work up to 10 breaths

  7. To come out of the pose, on an exhalation bring your feet down, and sit with a straight spine, holding on to your legs for a couple of breaths

Test your balance – Once you come into the pose start to rock your boat, waving your arms and legs from side to side. Smile! 

Try some variations with a block, holding it with a block between your thighs, or holding a block between your hands and then raising your arms for an extra challenge.

Michaela Flatley