Ananda Balasana (Happy Baby Pose)


Ananda Balasana (Happy Baby Pose)

Happy Baby is a gentle and soothing pose that’s great for increasing relaxation and stretching the body. In this pose, recapture the sheer joy and fascination of lying on your back and discovering your legs, toes, shoulders, and back. 

  1. Lie on your back and find a neutral spine position where the natural curves of your spine are present but not exaggerated.

  2. Bring your knees toward your chest. As you bring your knees up, keep your hip sockets soft so that your legs come up but your hips stay down. Keep your neutral spine with your tailbone on the mat.

  3. Flex your feet and show the soles of your feet to the ceiling.

  4. Wrap your first two fingers around your big toes and pull lightly down. Your feet stay flat to the ceiling but your hips release allowing your knees to come closer to your chest as you relax. You can also bring your hands up to the outside of the foot and grasp the foot around the arch.

  5. Take your time and breathe deeply. Enjoy the easy stretch in your hamstrings.

  6. Let your back relax into the floor—don't push it down, just allow it to release naturally.

Need a Modification?

If you are not able to hold your feet, you may use a strap to hold the foot, looping it over the middle of the arch. 

Michaela Flatley