October 2020: Parivrtta Trikonasana


Parivrtta Trikonasana
(Revolved Triangle)



  1. Begin with both legs straight and about three feet apart. Hips squared toward the front of your mat with your left foot stepped forward and your back (right) foot turned out about 45 degrees.

  2. With your hands on your hips, hinge your torso forward over your front leg. Keep your spine straight. 

  3. Place your right hand directly under your left shoulder, inside your left foot, or outside your left foot.

  4. Place your left hand on your sacrum, feeling that it is level.

  5. Keep your hand in place as you twist your torso, opening your chest to the left. If your sacrum begins to feel uneven, level it out by drawing your left hip forward and your right hip back.

  6. Lift your left hand toward the ceiling. Open your chest and stack your left shoulder over the right (it can help to imagine pressing your left palm into a wall). Gaze up toward your right fingertips.


  • Stretches the legs, hips and back

  • Opens the chest to improve breathing

  • Improves balance

Michaela Flatley