Forearm Adho Mukha Svanasana (Dolphin Pose)


Forearm Adho Mukha Svanasana
(Dolphin Pose)

Dolphin pose both opens and strengthens the upper body, making it a great preparation for inversions or a nice substitute posture when you’re not ready to fly your legs above your head. It is also a great alternative to Downward Dog pose if you have sensitive wrists.

  1. Come onto your hands and knees (all fours). Place your forearms on the floor, your elbows directly under your shoulders. You can either place the palms of your hands down with your forearms parallel with each other or interlace your fingers, tucking the bottom little finger in. 

  2. As you exhale, curl your toes under. Engage your lower belly and lift your knees away from the floor. 

  3. Lift your sitting bones up and lengthen the tailbone as you straighten your legs and lower the heels towards the floor – they do not need to touch the floor.

  4. Firm your shoulder blades down onto your back while maintaining space between them. Lengthen your spine. Hold your head between your arms, off the floor. Stay for 5 to 20 breaths. 

  5. To come out of the pose, allow your knees to come back onto the floor as you exhale and rest in Child’s Pose.

Blocks are always a great tool to modify and build comfort. 

Michaela Flatley