December 2019: Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana


Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana
(Revolved Head-to-Knee Pose)


Julie loves this pose because it is a deep side body opener. It’s a pose that she enjoys holding for several minutes.


  1. Seated upright, with your right leg extended and the sole of your left foot against the right inner thigh, open your left knee further back, widening the angle and distance between your two knees. 

  2. Inhale, lift and turn your torso to face your left knee; exhale, side bend to the right over your extended right leg.

  3. Rest the back of your bottom hand on the floor inside your inner right thigh. Inhale, reach your left arm over your top ear perhaps reaching for the right foot; exhale and pull your top shoulder black back, revolving your chest open to the ceiling.

Tip: Eventually, both hands will reach the extended foot, but for now, feel free to bring the top hand behind the base of your skull and rest back into your palm as you lean to the side. To really deepen the stretch, press down through your left sitting bone as you side bend over your right leg.

Michaela Flatley