Virabhadrasana III (Warrior III Pose)


Virabhadrasana III
(Warrior III Pose)


Warrior III is an intermediate balancing pose in yoga. This dynamic standing posture creates stability throughout your entire body by integrating all of the muscles throughout your core, arms, and legs. 


  1. Start in a High Lunge with your right foot forward. Bring your palms to touch in front of your chest in prayer position (Anjali Mudra).

  2. Gently draw together and lift your pelvic floor muscles, then activate the lower abdominals by drawing in the lower belly, navel to spine. On an exhale, fold from the hips, lowering your upper body to around a 45 degree angle with the floor. Focus on a point on the floor just in front of your mat. This is your drishti, or gazing place.

  3. Inhale, root down firmly through the front foot and begin to shift your weight forwards. Start to lift the back foot from the floor. Exhale, begin to straighten the standing leg as you bring your body and left leg parallel with the floor.

  4. Lift the muscles of the right thigh to keep the leg engaged without locking the knee. Keep your lifted foot flexed, toes pointing down to the floor and think about pressing the sole of the foot against an imaginary wall to keep the raised leg active.

  5. Take five deep breaths in the pose if you can and then bend the front knee, gently lowering the back leg down and returning into High Lunge. 

Eagle Arms; hand(s) to a block; against a wall.

Michaela Flatley