Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana (Revolved Half Moon)


Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana
(Revolved Half Moon)

Revolved Half Moon is good for strengthening both legs evenly, teaching coordination, and helping you focus. There are a variety of modifications available for this pose, making it a suitable balancing posture for beginning and advanced yoga students.

  1. Start in Warrior II with your left foot forward and holding a block.

  2. Bring your left hand to your hip and turn your head to look at the floor.

  3. Bend your front leg and shift your weight into your front foot and lift your right leg.

  4. Reach your front hand a little forward and place it on the mat or a block directly beneath your front shoulder. Press down through your fingers to steady yourself.

  5. Lift your back leg until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Slowly turn your chest to face the right, twisting your torso and hips. Reach your top hand to the ceiling.

    Then close your hip, dial your toes down and move your block to the right where you place your right hand

  6. The left arm now lifts, stack shoulders and think about the letter L with your legs. Keep a slight bend in your standing leg so you don’t hyperextend your knee.

  7. Exit the pose by gazing to the floor, bring your hands and feet together into a forward fold.


​​If you have difficulty touching the floor with your lower hand, support your hand on a block. Start with the block at its highest height and, if your balance is steady and comfortable, lower it down first to its middle height, then finally if possible to its lowest height.

Michaela Flatley