Katie King

Katie has been a student of Pranayama (breathe techniques) since 1996 and found a regular practice of Power Yoga in 1998. After catching the yoga bug she found the personal benefits of weight loss, stress reduction, goal setting and the sutras through her commitment to her practice.

In her professional career and personal love of traveling, Katie has had the honor of practicing yoga at studios around the world and decided to complete a certification in Ashtanga Yoga in 2004. Since that time, she has taught at multiple studios around the Northshore of Boston.

A consummate student, Katie continues to indulge in related literature and assorted workshops to improve her own practice as well as find inspiration to bring to her classes. Specifically Katie has studied Iyengar with Patricia Walden, Power Yoga under Beryl Bender Birch and guided meditation with Cindi Lee to compliment her Ashtanga roots.

As a mom, business owner and therapist, Katie is ecstatic to bring her renewed energy of teaching & light hearted approach to classes here at The Yoga Loft.