The Yoga Loft Storybook: Lindsay O'Connell


Why/When/Where did you start practicing yoga?

The first time I tried yoga, I was in high school. My best friend and I were curious and checked out Mark Becker's "Basic Yoga and You" on vinyl from the library (picture a 70's yogi in a purple leotard on the cover). Over the years, I occasionally practiced at home by watching videos or taking a class at the gym. I regularly attended a class for the first time when pregnant with my son when I looked for a low-impact exercise. I kept returning to yoga in fits and starts, but it didn't click for me until I was on a work sabbatical and committed to attending class regularly at the Yoga Loft. I've been hooked ever since. 

How has yoga changed/influenced your life?

Yoga had been a quiet but persistent voice, calling me to practice over the years. Only when I was genuinely ready to listen did I begin to realize what an influence it could have and how much I would connect with it and need it in my life. In my practice, especially through the Yoga Loft's Yoga Teacher Training, I have received the gift of connecting with a beautiful and supportive community. I am finding a greater sense of connection, patience, space, trust, and acceptance. I love all the avenues my practice is taking, enabling me to explore physically, mentally, and spiritually. 

Yoga is a journey that has helped and continues to help me grow. I know that yoga, the community, and my amazing teachers have so much more to teach me, and it will have an ever-evolving impact on my life as I continue my practice. I'm excited to see where it goes! 

What keeps you busy outside of the studio?

When I'm not working, I love spending time with my son and husband! 

If I could magically create more time in the day it would include knitting, gardening, travel, painting, and probably more yoga! 

A quote that you love or would like to share?

"Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self." - The Bhagavad Gita

Julie Helmes