The Yoga Loft Storybook: Stephen Young


Why/When/Where did you start practicing yoga? 

I started yoga in college, taking it for PE credit, and when I signed up I didn’t realize that it would open me up to a whole new world. I re-upped for the class every semester until I graduated. I was so lucky to have such an inspirational teacher: Ginny. She was handing her Parkinson’s disease with yoga (as one of the Yoga Loft practitioners is also doing). She taught much more than postures. I continued with yoga and Tai Chi for years until life got too busy with work and family. Then maybe 10 years ago I discovered the Yoga Loft and I have been deeply reengaged with yoga once again and with wonderful teachers. 

How has yoga changed/influenced your life? 

It helps keep me healthy and sane. The Pandemic 2020-21 academic year was the most difficult year of my work life (as it was for many), having to work almost every day for 9 months. The remote yoga classes at the Yoga Loft truly kept me sane during that trying period. On the practical side - each athletic\adventure accident that I get into (like sledding or bicycle accidents), I don’t get as injured as I could. I believe that yoga has made my body stronger so I don’t get as hurt and I am able to recover faster. A reason to keep doing yoga.  

Additional benefit - now I am able to squat at the supermarket and look at that bottom shelf for a while, then reach out with one hand grab something and casually rise back up. One of the many surprising things, small and large, where yoga has changed my life.

What keeps you busy outside of the studio? 

Over at Salem State University, I teach undergraduate and graduate students how to study the Earth from space using satellites and how to use these technologies for environmental conservation purposes. With students I am also working on a number of climate change projects from Kazakhstan to Crane beach. When not working, I like spending time in the outdoors with my wife Tara, friends, and our kids if they are able to join us (post college age).

A quote that you love or would like to share? 

“Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth.”   — Henry David Thoreau (Walden)

Julie Helmes