The Yoga Loft Storybook: Tobi Lew


Why/when/where did you start practicing yoga?

The Yoga loft has always been a special place for me. The studio was my first experience with practicing yoga. I moved to Anderson street in 2009 and watched the “yoga" people walk down my street faithfully every week to attend a class. My curiosity got the best of me and I decided to sign up. Just WOW! That was my reaction to my first class. The rollercoaster of emotions that flowed through me that day was mind-blowing. Halfway through the class, I was in a crying puddle but it felt so good to release all that I was holding onto. I was addicted. Yoga became a weekly practice in my life. Yoga is a valued tool that I use in my everyday life as well. It is the few small windows of time that I put aside just for myself. It’s a sacred space where I talk to my guides and connect with mother earth. I ask my body to support me and give it thanks when it does. I love all facets of the energy flow that yoga gives through mind, body, and soul. Moving energy around my body is so important to keep me going physically. I don’t take my practice for granted.

How has yoga changed or influenced your life?

Two years ago I was diagnosed with a health condition. My condition prevented me from getting on the mat. I missed having that connection to yoga for well over a year because I was in so much pain. Not having a weekly yoga practice took a toll on my spiritual well being. Because of my diagnosis, I had to stop all facets of work as well, including my readings. 

This past year for me has been a year of recovery. I’ve worked so hard to get myself healthy and heal. It’s been so wonderful to start working again and connecting with people. One of my intentions that I put out to the universe was I wanted to practice yoga again. It was my number one goal to achieve along with my good health and to connect with clients.

Being back at the Yoga loft has been such a blessing. I was so excited when I saw the studio was offering an outdoor class during these isolated times. Beth, my Thursday morning teacher greeted me with a big hello and welcoming smile. She opened her class by saying, “Do what feels comfortable for you, no pressure to do anything that doesn’t work for your body.” This statement allowed me to put my shoulders down and find my comfort on my mat once again. Her class is so nurturing, holding such a beautiful space for your practice. Taking things slowly I’m now back to practicing every week. I know solidly now, Yoga is the best way for me to let “it” go, all of it. My mind, body, and soul…..and leave it on the mat. 

What keeps you busy outside of the studio?

I am a very busy Mama. I have four beautiful children who are my world and keep me on my toes. I help manage our local family Business “Kennedy Property Services” that is run by my amazing partner, Chris who supports all I do. For the past 10 years I have also been working as a Psychic Medium. I specialize in soul alignment. Helping people to explore their soul paths and educate them on their life decisions. This is to observe where choices were or can be made to heal and change their life.

Julie Helmes