The Yoga Loft Storybook: Maia Yulov


Why/when/where did you start practicing yoga?

I started practicing yoga on a regular basis at Yoga Loft, Marblehead just this past year. It took me quite some time to realize the true body & mind connection that yoga provides. I have been taking Zen courses, mindfulness meditation and various workshops at Kripalu for years. But only recently am I living in the full bliss of yoga!

How has yoga changed or influenced your life?

As I am over 50, my body is not forgiving and has developed arthritic rust in some spots. With Yoga, my soul is singing and my body finds joy! No aches, no disconnect!

What keeps you busy outside of the studio?

I am a nurse for more than 30 years, with the last few concentrated on holistic and mental health. There is not a better way to prevent disease and promote physical and mental wellness than ancient holistic non invasive non-pharmacological proven practices! Yoga is brilliant!

Julie Helmes