Tana Chandler

Teacher Trainee | 2020 Graduaate

Why did you become interested in a yoga teacher training?

I first discovered yoga in college and became interested in the spiritual part of the practice as well as the calming physical aspects.  It led me to study Eastern religions and to a practice in Buddhism.

What did you want to get out of the training?

As a professional dancer both performing and teaching, yoga became as much a part of my physical routine as plies. I became interested in doing a teacher training to add to my professional toolbox as well as my spiritual growth.

The Yogaloft program was of special interest to me as it combined teachers and various aspects of the yoga practice. It was unique and felt very complete. I had no expectations and came with an open mind and heart. 

How would you describe your experience during the training? What did you enjoy? Struggle with? 

I enjoyed all aspects of the training though I must say I struggled physically with all the yoga practices!  It was a lot of yoga! I also, surprisingly, had stage fright!  And had nerves presenting in front of the class!  I guess I'm used to the boundary of a stage and also teaching children rather than adults!

Did anything surprise you about the training? 

Though I enjoyed my classmates, I was surprised at some of the dynamics and how, just like life, divisions occurred. And of course, eternally sad that our group was robbed because of covid :(

Since graduating, how has your training made an impact in your life?

I'm forever grateful to the Yoga Loft and its wonderful teachers and staff for putting together such a life-changing program.  Going forward,  I rely on my yoga practice for its breath and calming aspects daily.  It has made me a better person, teacher, dancer and yogi.  Though I haven't hung my shingle up as a yoga teacher, I have enjoyed teaching classes for my friends, relatives and at dance camp!