Lindsay O’Connell

Teacher Trainee | 2022 Graduaate

Why did you become interested in yoga teacher training?

I had been practicing yoga regularly at The Loft, and I was looking for a way to learn more. When I saw that all my favorite instructors were leading the next Teacher Training, I knew it was going to be an awesome experience. Also, coming out of Covid, I wanted to find something that was for me and for my personal growth.


What did you want to get out of the training?

I was interested in taking my practice and understanding to a deeper level. I hoped to explore yoga beyond the asanas and learn more about its history and philosophy. I was thrilled to see that we would cover that and so much more! The breadth and depth of knowledge the teachers brought to class were amazing! From anatomy to the subtle body, from Ayurveda to meditation, and of course, teaching.


How would you describe your experience during the training?  What did you enjoy? Struggle with?

The training was a commitment, but one that I was excited to make to and for myself. Committing the time to practice, study, and be in class helped me to set aside the time I wanted to dedicate to yoga, which I don’t think I would have made on my own through self-study alone. I work full-time and have a young son, so it was a commitment my family really supported me in making. I really appreciate being able to take a weekend a month away to attend class and time beyond that to study, practice, and do our homework. I loved the wide range of things we explored, from the scientific to the metaphysical.


Did anything surprise you about the training?

I got so much out of the training that I didn’t know I would, but one of the most wonderful things was the community of other students that were in class and the friendships we formed! The Loft is such an amazing community!


Since graduating, how has your training made an impact in your life?

After graduation, I started substitute teaching at The Loft. When I started the Teacher Training, I had not intended to teach but rather to just deepen my practice. I grew my love of yoga and ended up wanting to share it with others. I’m so grateful for the opportunity the Loft has given me to share my love of yoga with others! Teacher Training was an awesome experience, and I have grown in not only in my practice but also as a person.

I highly recommend anyone interested in learning about yoga to take the Loft’s Teacher Training!