Rachael Duda Maitland

Rachael stumbled on a yoga class while living in NYC and working in the hustle of the fashion industry. In a small studio in the East Village, she found peace and refuge, and began the journey back home to her heart. For over a decade she has been dedicated to the path of yoga as a teacher and student. She values yoga as a platform to bring us back into connection with our purpose and service in this world. Rachael began teaching yoga on the island of Puerto Rico in 2008 after completing a 200-hr training with Ashtanga Yoga Puerto Rico. In 2009 she began studying Prana Vinyasa with her teacher, Shiva Rea. She loves the rhythm of vinyasa that brings us to resonance and relationship with the diversity of all that we are, and all that we are a part of. She has refined her skill and knowledge with over 500 hours of training. She weaves this with her experience as a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Reiki and Polarity Practitioner, and as a mystic of the heart.

Class with Rachael

Her classes are creative and dynamic, incorporating breath, movement, mudra, meditation, and music for a full-embodied experience. Rachael remains dedicated to supporting social change, healing, and transformation. She is grateful to be part of an incredible yoga community in the North Shore and Boston, spreading the love.