The Yoga Loft Storybook: Rachele Vergara


Why/When/Where did you start practicing yoga? 

I was really intimidated by in-person yoga classes until a friend invited me to heavy metal yoga with Black Widow Yoga about 5 years ago. That's when I realized how much yoga could help with my anxiety and I started practicing regularly. However, my practice was off and on until early 2021 when I started practicing at The Yoga Loft. I felt like the classes here are so welcoming that I became more comfortable expressing myself and less worried about what people around me might think. I used to dislike power yoga but now I attend Anne's classes as often as I can! 

How has yoga changed/influenced your life? 

My yoga practice has taken my life in a different direction than I ever expected. At first, I thought of it as a type of exercise that also helped with my anxiety. Then I started studying the other aspects of yoga beyond the physical asana and that's when I really began to connect with my practice on a deeper level. The more I practiced the more it became an increasingly large part of my life. My practice has grown exponentially since I started Yoga Teacher Training at The Yoga Loft. The teachers are spectacular and I've learned so much from them. I never would have thought of becoming a yoga teacher 5 years ago but now it's my passion! 

What keeps you busy outside of the studio? 

My husband and my four cats, mostly! But also I love reading, arts and crafts, and singing, 

A quote that you love or would like to share? 

Leonard Cohen - "Ring the bells that still can ring forget your perfect offering, There is a crack in everything, That's how the light gets in."

Julie Helmes