The Yoga Loft Storybook: Grace Bugler


Why/when/where did you start practicing yoga?

I started practicing yoga last March when the pandemic hit. I was used to having the same routine and when the pandemic hit that changed. I had a lot of free time on my hands and I wasn't sure what to do with my time. I started watching 10-minute yoga flows on YouTube and within a matter of months, it started becoming a part of my daily ritual/routine. Towards the end of the summer, I decided to give outdoor yoga a shot through the Yoga Loft and I absolutely loved it. I am looking forward to continuing my yoga journey with the Yoga Loft :)

How has yoga changed or influenced your life?

Yoga has helped me stay grounded & calm. It allows me to focus on the positive aspects of life and to appreciate the little things. Yoga has also helped me to live in the present moment & has changed how I perceive things. 

What keeps you busy outside of the studio?

I am a full-time graduate student, getting my Master’s in Special Education!

Do you have a LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram page that we can share on our page? 

Yes! My Facebook is Grace Bugler and my Instagram is @grace_bugler.

Julie Helmes