The Yoga Loft Storybook: Farrah Floyd


Why/when/where did you start practicing yoga?

This past year has been challenging for all of us. For myself, it brought along some major life changes. I've always been intrigued by yoga and I had a deep knowing that it was time for me to give it a chance. I walked into my first yoga class at The Yoga Loft in March of this year, and I've never looked back. It felt euphoric, there was something about this yoga thing that my body & mind needed. I felt so welcomed by the entire community. The teachers are amazing, and are so gifted in their practice. Every since that day in March, I decided to make yoga a fundamental part of my life.

How has yoga changed or influenced your life?

Yoga has helped me in countless ways. It's made me stronger in my body, mind, and spirit. It has helped me to provide a strong sense of balance in my life, and it's helped me break through psychological & emotional barriers within myself.

What keeps you busy outside of the studio? 

Traveling is a true passion, I've been to several different countries, and all over the US. I love exploring new places, and learning about different cultures. I'm currently finishing my degree in Liberal Arts. I love sunshine, and being by the water is my happy place!

Do you have a favorite quote you’d like to share?

Oh, its so hard to choose one!! 

"And the best news of all is that it is never to late to become the person you always wanted to be. That's all." — Cleo Wade.

Julie Helmes