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Beth Jacobs

Beth is a 500hr RYT Certified Yoga Instructor who is a self described “Tin Women”. She shows up on her mat everyday to oil her joints. She first found her way onto the mat with an invitation from her older daughter, Ellory, to attend a beginner’s workshop in 2011. The connection to breath and self brings her back to her mat over and over. Through yoga she has found renewed strength and balance, both physically and mentally.

Beth earned her 200hr RYT Yoga Alliance Certification in 2017 under the tutelage of Master Teachers Larisa Forman and Vito Politano at The Yoga Loft.  She earned her 300hr RYT Certification at the world-renowned yoga studio, Down Under School of Yoga in Brookline, MA. There, Beth trained with Master Teachers Natasha Rizopoulos, Barbara Benagh, Justine Wiltshire-Cohen, as well as, Nichole Clark and Patricia Walden. Her training has been extensive with focus on overall physical strengthening/conditioning through the study of body mechanics, anatomy, and learning proper skeletal and muscular alignment with breath control. 

Beth is continuously furthering her yogic studies to strengthen her knowledge and teaching skills. She completed and received her Yin Yoga certification with Josh Summers as well as Spine Health with Bernie Clark and Professor Stuart McGill. She is currently expanding her sequencing skills with Rocky Heron. Beth says she is a forever student of yoga seeking personal and professional insight.

Class with Beth

Beth teaches Vinyasa, Gentle Flow, and Restorative classes as well as Yin and Chair Yoga. Her classes combine breath with movement to create room in each posture, with attention to alignment and balance through inhalations and exhalations. Emphasis is placed on exploring areas of one's own body to find a little more comfort and ease, both on and off the mat. Her classes are taught with attention on strengthening, lengthening and building knowledge for each practitioner to be confident and at ease: both physically and mentally

She says: “I am here as a guide for it is each person’s own unique personal yoga practice. She asks individual participants to meet themselves on the mat each class as they are and begin from there, without judgment or attachment to results: for this is the yoga”.